- Wallpaper Wizardrii v.
- NOTE: Upon initial install DO NOT select “Open” select “Done” then open the app.
- NOTE: If after setting your wallpaper the images resize funny then select Menu->Fix Display issue and reboot.
- NOTE: WW is current not able to take Non-scrolling devices (Home apps) and make them Scroll, we are looking into this. Thank you for your patience.
· Updates
- There is an issue with version and version; this version has the fixes for these two versions
- Specifically we didn’t take into account some fragmentation issues with some devices and some Home Applications when updating the Tablet fixes
- If you are having these issues:
- If you are having Image Scaling issues
- If you are having an issue were your wallpaper pops off to one side of your screen and the other side looks black
- If you are having issues were your image grows and shrinks….
- Then do the following to fix this problem:
- Un-install the app and then install this version
- OR
- Install this version and then do the following:
- Open WW -> Menu -> Fix Display issue
- Then reboot and set an image as wallpaper
- As always, please e-mail if you have any issues, concerns, or suggestions: twistedapps@twistedapps.org
· Move to sdcard – some people report when the app is moved to the sdcard that upon reboot WW doesn’t autostart to keep “No Scroll” option. Update: I have looked into this and Android’s current implementation will never allow WW to auto start, sorry. So if you move WW to the sdcard it will not autostart upon reboot. This is a nice work around if you do not want WW to auto start after a reboot.
· WW’s No Scroll option is not compatible with all Home Apps. If you set No Scroll and get odd behavior then this would indicate that WW is not compatible with you Home App. Scroll should work with all Home apps. If you want the No Scroll option you can always try another Home App.
· Black screen appears sometimes. This is a bug with Android’s WallpaperManager code. It doesn’t like being called from multiple sources at the same time. If you get this error, try Menu->Fix Black screen, or try rotating your screen.
· Any directory over 1500 images will not auto-update at this time. The length of time to detect 1500+ images in anyone directory is very slow. Because of this WW has caped checking if a directory needs to be synced if images exceed 1500 in any one directory.
· If you get duplicate image do the following: Move all file from the culprit directory to another directory, open Wallpaper Wizardrii, then move all of the images back. This is a temporary fix, we are working on a much better solution.